Dick Burey Country Kitchens

Accessibility Policy

In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Dick Burey Country Kitchens has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and services provided on the DBCountryKitchens.com.au website are available to people with a disability. Dick Burey Country Kitchens is also committed to equitable access by individuals for whom technical limitations, such as older Internet browsers and low-speed Internet connections, are evident.

DBCountryKitchens.com.au has agreed to utilise significant measures in order to provide web content that completely satisfies the following points:

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

Valid CSS!

  • Full and complete adherence to the principles of accessible, interoperable and usable web design as specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
  • The delivery of web pages constructed of 100% valid XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Mark-up Language).
  • The delivery of web pages styled with 100% valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
  • If you encounter accessibility difficulties with the DBCountryKitchens.com.au website, please submit your feedback or enquiry here.